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Attendance and Absence

School Attendance: Essential Information for Parents and Carers

Why School Attendance Matters

We believe that every day counts when it comes to learning. Good attendance helps your child achieve their full potential, build positive habits, and thrive in a supportive school community.

What Does Attendance Look Like?

  • 98% attendance: about 4 days missed per school year
  • 95% attendance: about 10 days missed per school year
  • 90% attendance: about 19 days missed per school year
  • 80% attendance: about 38 days missed per school year

Even five minutes late each day adds up to three missed school days over a year.

Benefits of Regular Attendance

Regular attendance and punctuality help children to:

  • Form strong friendships and social connections.
  • Develop important life skills.
  • Participate in both academic learning and school events.
  • Reach their potential by minimising disruptions in learning.
  • Avoid potential risks associated with anti-social behaviour.

We’re here to support parents/carers in making school attendance a priority.

When Can My Child Be Absent?

Absences are either authorised or unauthorised. We aim to keep absences to a minimum, allowing authorised absences only for essential reasons, including:

  • Illness: In some cases, we may request a doctor’s note or other medical evidence.
  • Medical/Dental Appointments: Try to schedule these outside school hours. If this isn’t possible, bring your child to school before or after the appointment and show the appointment card to the school.
  • Exceptional Circumstances: In rare cases, the headteacher may authorise an absence for unique family situations. (please refer to our Attendance Policy and Procedures, attached below)
  • Religious Observance: We respect our community’s religious diversity. A written request is required if your child must miss school for a religious event.
  • Traveller Absence: Traveller children are expected to attend school as regularly as possible.

Term-Time Holidays

Holidays during school time mean lost learning that is difficult to make up. Only under exceptional circumstances will a term-time holiday be authorised by the headteacher. These circumstances do not include reasons such as cost savings, family availability, or weather conditions.

Legal Implications for Term-Time Holidays

Taking your child out of school during term time without authorisation is an offence under section 444 (1) or section 444 (1A) of the 1996 Education Act. The consequences for this can be serious:

  • The maximum penalty is a fine of up to £2,500, up to three months’ imprisonment, or both.
  • Alternatively, the local authority may issue a Section 444A Penalty Notice, with a fine of £160 per child, per parent. If paid within 21 days, this amount is reduced to £80.

Failure to pay this Penalty Notice may lead to prosecution, except in limited circumstances.

When Is an Absence Unauthorised?

Absences we consider unauthorised include:

  • Forgetting term dates
  • Oversleeping or arriving late
  • Absences without a clear explanation
  • Leaving school without permission
  • Truancy before or during the school day
  • Keeping children off school unnecessarily
  • Day trips or birthdays
  • Unauthorised term-time holidays

Requesting an Absence

For planned absences, complete an Absence Request Form (below) and submit it to the headteacher as early as possible. Unplanned absences (e.g., due to illness) should be reported promptly by calling 01931 716274 or emailing

Lateness and Punctuality

Being on time is essential. Your child can be dropped off on the school yard from 8.30am, classrooms open and registers are taken at 8.45am. After 8.45am, all doors are secured, and late arrivals must sign in at the school office.

For any questions about attendance, please contact our Headteacher, Mrs. Katie Chappell, at